Progressive Rock Artist seeks Audience

Author: colin (Page 13 of 39)


My wishes for 2016 is that I complete another couple of tracks and make a good start on #5. Whatever that turns out to be.

There are a lot of cool new analog synths being manufactured this year. The KORG Minilogue looks good. Actually, it looks great. I’ve just ordered one.

Jan 25
Yeah, the Minilogue order didn’t work out. I’m saving up for something else.

In other news, 60 hr work weeks are not leaving a lot of time or energy for musical creation. It looks like we’re in another hiatus. Buying a new synthesizer isn’t going to magically add two extra days to the week.

October Progress

Oct 17

Things had to take a back seat for a bit while other things happened. I’ve curated the bucket of vocal takes and they are ready to replace the previous vocals in The Current Project. Also recorded a few more vocal lines that will mean that the final section will have to be extended by 8 bars… but on the plus side, this means that the musical themes from part 1 and part 2 get to co-exist for a short while right at the end. Symmetry like this makes me happy, so I’ll probably do it.

Oct 19

“The Project” is up on blocks with its guts strewn over the studio floor and I’m thinking I made a terrible mistake. It was just an 8-bar change!

Oct 28

Wil Wheaton writes, “I need to read so that my imagination is inspired. I need to read so I get an artistic and creative hunger that can only be fed by writing.”

I believe this is true for artists of any medium. I have found myself putting aside the latest CD – unlistened – by a favorite artist ( Imogen Heap for example ) because I’m afraid that it will be SO GOOD that I will despair of ever being inspired, original, and creative… and yet: One sure way to dig yourself into a creatively dead hole is to concentrate only on your own music for long periods of time. You need to give your brain a break, and give it some creative protein.

Yes, there’s a risk that you’ll get all inspired and start writing a song and find out that, actually, that cool riff is just way too similar to the one you heard last week in the new Glass Hammer album. However, if my experience is typical, then you’re definitely not going to come up with anything original unless your brain and subconscious have been well-fed, with a balanced diet.

So go listen to something! And then something different!

Into September

It’s been quiet here in the Studio last month, but house guests and The Day Job will have that result. I’m down one guitar, gifted to the godson, but the Great Work continues: Polishing lyrics.

I will no longer make the mistake of working insane hours on the instrumental tracks before figuring out that it needs a bar of 6/8 and a key change, the first time I try singing.

Cure for Writer’s Block? A new softsynth.

In August, the Studio workstation gets upgraded to Windows 10!
Sky doesn’t fall!

Also in August: The Studio workstation gets down-up-graded to previous Windows 7! Sky still doesn’t fall, but engineer is much happier!

New bass strings!
New bass track!
New callouses! (working on the third one)

And today, the Studio computer undergoes brain transplant (upgrading to SSDs)

Experimenting with Room Treatment

Bass traps can make a big difference, especially if your room is a big cube. Pulling the desk out from the wall can help, and putting something dense and absorbent in the corners can also help.

Here, I’m experimenting with hanging dense blankets (from DIY redwood clamps) to see if it is effective. If it works, I’ll find something more permanent:

Would look nice with some logos

I just listened to my “final” mix of the new track and I can’t think of a single thing I’d change. Get ready for “Working The Paradigm Shift”…

I’ve posted it on SoundCloud, for your enjoyment:…/working-the-paradigm-shift


Okay, that link is no longer valid, and the track did undergo some more work since I posted it. The final release version can be enjoyed here on BandCamp:

April Update

Good news: New carpet is getting installed in the studio.
Bad News: I have to Pack up All The Things.

So that “new toy” I hinted at earlier showed up last week. A fine product of Tech 21 NYC, the SansAmp Bass Driver DI. It took some tweaking of knobs, and reading of the manual, but in short order I had the sound I was looking for. This is the closest thing to a “Sounds-Good-er” pedal I’ve ever used. Currently replacing the guide bass on the latest project using the Agile Guitars / Brice Defiant 53437 bass – and it is awesome.

With the studio basically empty except for my desk and DAW, I spent a couple of hours “comping” which means listening to multiple takes (of my vocals, yuk) and selecting the best parts out of which to construct a single, “best performance”. Cakewalk Software’s SONAR 2015 has some nice tools specifically for this process, however to date, I don’t use them in my specific quirky workflow. They are still awesome, though.

This week is all about recording vocals and backing vocals.

And did you know that the word “lyrics” comes from “to be accompanied by lyre”? It’s obvious in hindsight. I have no lyre tracks in this current project. Unless you count guitar. There are many of those.

March Update

Pro-Tip: When your guitar with active electronics starts emitting static and weird “pops” and other strange noises, try replacing the battery.

This month I’m preparing to record some vocal takes, but real-world work is not allowing much time. I have a bunch of takes sitting in the DAW that need to be reviewed and discarded. I’m not looking forward to it because I know it wasn’t a good session. I need to re-do them.

On the bright side, a new toy should be showing up soon. Check back next month.

I’ve been listening to Tiger Moth Tales and Eric Norlander’s Galactic Collective and feeling dispirited as a result. They do this stuff so well.

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